Sew Blessed News - March 27th
Good cool morning everyone -
Wasn't that snow a bit of surprise? I spent most of the weekend working on my brother's graduation quilt. It is coming along nicely! Hopefully next week I can share with you all the finished blocks.
Did you participate in the Row by Row Experience last year? We are super excited to be a part of this program this year! If you don't know about the Row by Row Experience, you can check it out here:
The UPS guy dropped off a BIG box of notions this week! We now have more Superior So Fine cones in neutral colors, Chenille needles, Mary Ellen's Best Press, Creative Grids rulers and squares, and some cute Sew-lutions magnet boxes! Valdani thread and In-R-Form Plus have also been restocked!

Wasn't that snow a bit of surprise? I spent most of the weekend working on my brother's graduation quilt. It is coming along nicely! Hopefully next week I can share with you all the finished blocks.
Did you participate in the Row by Row Experience last year? We are super excited to be a part of this program this year! If you don't know about the Row by Row Experience, you can check it out here:
The UPS guy dropped off a BIG box of notions this week! We now have more Superior So Fine cones in neutral colors, Chenille needles, Mary Ellen's Best Press, Creative Grids rulers and squares, and some cute Sew-lutions magnet boxes! Valdani thread and In-R-Form Plus have also been restocked!

New wool Curlers from in the Patch designs came! Each bundle features 3 hand-dyed wools in 4" x 16" pieces. Perfect for creating Spring and Summer wool penny mats!

Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates you won't want to miss:
April 11th - Woolie Saturday
April 27th - Tote Class I
May 2nd - Woolie Saturday & 6 Month Celebration (psst...I hear there will be a sale!)
June 21st to Sept 8th - Row by Row Experience
If you have interest in joining us for the second Tote Class I, please call the shop at 344-9389 or email us at juststitchin2014@gmail.com. We would like to have a head count so we can be sure to have enough supplies!
If you were wanting a Home Is Best wool kit or a Winter Solstice quilt kit, they are available!

April 11th - Woolie Saturday
April 27th - Tote Class I
May 2nd - Woolie Saturday & 6 Month Celebration (psst...I hear there will be a sale!)
June 21st to Sept 8th - Row by Row Experience
If you have interest in joining us for the second Tote Class I, please call the shop at 344-9389 or email us at juststitchin2014@gmail.com. We would like to have a head count so we can be sure to have enough supplies!
If you were wanting a Home Is Best wool kit or a Winter Solstice quilt kit, they are available!

I better get back to sewing blocks together, if I'm going to be done by the 1st of May! Check us out on Facebook! Have a blessed day!
Hope to see you soon!
Kif & Ashlee
402 Norris Ave
Suite 203
McCook, NE 69001
Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 5:30
Saturday 10:00 - 1:00