Sew Blessed News - July 8th
Happy, Happy, Happy Friday Friends!
I hope if you had a 3 day weekend last week you enjoyed it [and got to sneak in some sewing]! We took the boys up to the Golden Spike Tower in North Platte to see the train yard. It was really cool - I see another trip in our future! Our little car trip up did give me some time to do some handwork - so I completed one UFO for this month! Woohoo! I'll share a picture next week! Keep plugging away on those projects! July's numbers will be: 20 & 18. Don't forget to share your progress with us using #SewBlessed. Let's see what else is happening around the shop today!
Here's what's happening in JULY!
June 21st: Row x Row begins!
July 9th: Woolie Saturday
July 21th: Mystery Lady Night
July 13th: Blooming Sunset Tablerunner Class - NEW
July 14th, 15th, & 16th: CrAzY Days Shop Sale
July 19th: Stash Busters
July 30th: Pamper & Press - NEW
You asked and we listened! We will be having an evening class on how to make the darling Blooming Sunset Tablerunner! The class is filling up quickly - so if you are interested in joining us, stop on by today!
Class: Blooming Sunset Table Runner
Instructor: Kif Huffman
Date: Wednesday, July 13th
If this date doesn't work for you - please let us know! We are looking at a possible second class date!
Class Size: 10
Class Fee: $15.00 (must be paid to hold seat and non-refundable)
Kit Fee: $43.50
You will also need the Starburst 30 degree ruler.
Kits will be available in store after the class for those of you who love it but can't join us for class.
We've also scheduled another Pamper & Press class!! Here are the details:
We will be hosting a summer Pamper & Press class on Saturday July 30th! This is a fun project that you will have finished before you leave! If you haven't attended one of our Pamper & Press classes here is some quick info - your entire kit will be pre-cut for you before class & we will press your blocks for you as you go! This is also a great project for beginners or young sewers!
Class: Pamper & Press Blueberry Hill
Instructor: Kif Huffman/Ashlee Sintler
Date: Saturday, July 30th
Class Size: 9
Class Fee: $15.00 (must be paid to hold seat and non-refundable)
You can choose from any jelly roll in the store for this project - however there is a price difference for a couple of them!
Kit Fee: $65
Kit Fee for Downton Abbey, batiks, & serenity: $76.50
Are your collecting your rows yet? Row x Row 2016 has officially started! We have some fun fabrics and projects to work with this summer! If Row x Row is new to you - check out the details here. Don't forget to check out the shops participating while you are out vacationing!
We have kits available for our row as well as finishing kits for the project! Don't live near us but love our row? We're happy to accept pre-orders for our patterns or row kits to be shipped after November 1st. Row by Row rules don't allow us to ship any patterns or kits prior to November 1st - and we would hate to not be able to share this experience again with you next year!
Mark your calendars for our CrAzY DaYs sale coming up in just a couple weeks! We will have extended shop hours these days - so be sure to take advantage of them!
Thursday, July 14th 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Shop 7:00-10:00 am and save 35% off storewide*
Shop 10:00 to close save 25% off storewide *
Friday, July 15th 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
25% off storewide*
Saturday, July 16th 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
25% off storewide*
*some exclusions do apply
Just a reminder if you are signed up for any Block of the Months with us - be sure you are stopping in to pick them up!
Woolie girls - tomorrow is your day! See you in the morning in the 3rd floor training room at 10:00 am!
I loved spending last weekend with my guys!
Blessings to you all for another wonderful weekend!
See you soon!
Kif & Ashlee
402 Norris Ave
Suite 103
McCook, NE 69001
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 5:30